Monthly Archives: January 2012

Journal #4

So this week as been so busy!!
Wednesday me and the geography crew left for surrey for our geography field trip. So Wednesday we conducted a survey in guildford, Thursday we stood in a freezing cold river and Friday we measured infiltration and came home. It was freezing. Like realllllly cold!!! It was fun though, not like the education side but we’ve got some awesome memories :’) i missed everyone so much though and I was only gone for three days!!! Hugs all round when we got back! :’)
Today SM, CH and CE came round and we played Just Dance 3 and ate pizza and watched a bit of shrek… Then CE put my old showstoppers dvd on and I sat and cringed for a bit. Was hilarious though.
Then CE and CH went home and me and SM sat and talked for a bit about loadsa stuff :’)

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Journal #3

So. I am writing this from a hotel room in Scotland after spending today with the family to exchange Christmas presents… Yes. Christmas presents. It was a nice day, got lots of chocolate!
So the rest of the week…
Well on Tuesday I went shopping with CH at westfields which was fun, Wednesday I had brownies and guides which was interesting and very funny! At guides we made our own versions of the challenges in the cube. So funny!
Well. All this week I’ve had a bit of a cold, its kinda cleared up now, but on Wednesday i completely lost my voice!! Sad times!
Well CH told Llamaffe something to do with me and she pointed out something to me… Must talk to her about it!
Mucho loves x

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Journal #2

Okay so this week was a little bit more interesting! Well I didnt do much apart from go to school. Daydream. Sleep. Eat. Daydream. But it was an okay week. Had a massive head ache on Friday though 😦 kinda sucks as I still have it but oh well. So today I went out for lunch and bowling with some friends for MPs birthday 🙂 it was actually hilarious!!! We spent like nearly an hour on the dance machine afterwards too :’) well I also made a jelly, is it just me or do other people think that the jelly cubes you use to make the jelly taste amazing?!
Forgot to mention… So looking forward to my psychology lessons! Were starting the psychodynamic approach and its about sigmund Freud we spent a few minutes looking at the psychology of dreams and I’m really interested in it! Love how simple things can mean so much!!! So, call me a nerd, I went home and did some more research into the subject. Actually really interested in it.
So last night was panto night with the brownies. It was good, but not as good as normal 😦 normally the dame picks on a man in the audience pretending to be in love with them but they didn’t this year :/ also its normally my one chance to get up and dance to ‘Big Fish Little Fish’ and they didn’t do it! And there weren’t any well known songs to singalong to, or many songs at all for that matter. Apart from that, it was good!!!
Until next time… Byeeee!

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The annoyance and relief of having a lesson ‘cancelled’:

Yep I should be in my biology lesson right now but instead I’m sat on a bench in the common room with *Jim* and *Llamaffe* discussing the blog :’) well we should probably be worried that our lesson was cancelled and fridays was too, our mocks are in February! But the relief of having an hour where we could just chill was immense. It’s a bit silly to be honest as we did only back to school last week after having two weeks off school, but I am so tired already!!! Well I guess I’m just not motivated enough to work and in truth I’m not, the worrying thing is that my work is slipping, and no I’m not being silly, in all honesty I need to fix up!!!

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A reflection on 2011…

Yeah this probably a bit late but I feel I should do one 🙂
So 2011…
Well I didn’t do as much as in 2010 (which was just the most jam packed but epic year EVER!) but it was still pretty cool. So I went skiing with school for the 4th time in February which was awesome as I didn’t fall over once but I did mess my leg up :/ oh well I’m still going again this year :’) then in April I went with the bestie – Shakster to see Scouting For Girls play Wembley and it was just a-maz-ing! It was my first proper gig as well! Next was prom which we all got very excited about Continue reading

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Journal #1

So I said id start doing an entry every week so here’s my first…
So I went back to school on Tuesday, and wow this week has dragged on plus it wasn’t even a full week!
Well to be honest nothing incredibly exciting happened this week! Hopefully going to get tickets to see Noah and The Whale in March with my friends TB and my bro and possibly his friend JC if either of us get round to calling him that is! Im so excited about it and I haven’t even booked the tickets yet so I better not get my hopes up too high!!
Well I must say that this journal entry was a bit boring for the first one but let’s hope next weeks a bit more exciting!


Happy New Year <3

Well this is just a brief note to wish everyone a very happy new year! Hope that it is filled with happiness…
My challenge for myself this year: to try more new activities!!
What about you?
