Journal #54

So on Sunday, I decided to be clever and do a workout to compensate for the lack of jogging I had done. I got halfway through a workout and had to stop. So I did 20 squats, 30 lunges, 40 calf raises, 50 second wall seat and then 50/100 jumping jacks. It then basically went back wards, replacing the 40 calf raises with leg lifts and the 30 lunges for a 30 second plank. I couldn’t do the second half. It was a pretty spontaneous work out. I didn’t bother warming up and just kinda stopped and got showered and ready to go out. By Sunday night, my legs killed.
So on Monday I woke up and my legs decided that they didn’t want to work. Agony. Absolute agony. As I had to go in for school, i decided just to ignore how stiff my legs were and walk up and down the stairs a few times. Didn’t help.
Tuesday was a cool day. At school, I have to go to choir as I have singing lessons. We were told at the end of last year that we would be part of a choir at Wembley which was pretty awesome. It was for Voice In A Million which raises awareness and money for adoption I think. It was a really good night. We did loads of well known songs from Edge Of Glory by Lady Gaga to When I Grow Up from Matilda the musical. My parents watched it and they said it was really good.
On Wednesday we had Glee Club and we were given the task of taking a well known nursery rhyme and changing it. We were given Twinkle Twinkle and told to make it rock/alternative. We did our usual thing of thinking of any related songs. They ranged from Diamonds are forever to Diamonds are a Girls beat friend to reach by S Club. In the end we added Like A Star and stop crying your heart out. The funniest one was another groups reggae version of Humpty Dumpty. They mixed in some Bob Marley and it was so good. We laughed so much when one of the guys produced a completely unexpected Jamaican accent out of nowhere.
I got a bit excited and said we should perform the songs at one of the monthly shows. Then we remembered that is was Comic Relief that Friday.

So on Friday, we formed a travelling band, got a bucket and walked around the school singing various songs. We thought we wouldn’t get much money, but we managed to raise just under £70! It was so much fun too. Our year kinda just stared us down when we went into the common room, but the lower school and the teachers were so charitable.
On Saturday I went to DH’s for a sleepover/house party. We met up early to get the last few bits before cooking pizzas and setting up. I didn’t know many people at the start. Most people who were meant to be coming bailed at the last minute. So in the end, the only people I knew there were DH, her sister, Sharkee, FallenLegacy, RN, AZ, Mikado, Ash, HJ, and a few guys which I don’t talk to. FallenLegacy and RN got pretty drunk. Neither of them remember anything, or so they claim. It was a well, erm interesting night. I won’t go into details, but yes things happened. And no. It wasn’t that 😉 what was hilarious was when FallenLegacy called me up at around 4am, and somehow forgot I was on the phone. So as he began to tell the guys what had happened between us, he suddenly realised I was still there shouted “S#!T ** SORRY. BYE” and hung up. Possibly the most hilarious moment of my life. Curious to know what else he said to the others tho. But maybe I don’t want to know aha
Well that’s the end of another week. I’m shattered as I haven’t slept at all. Bye x

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