Journal #55

So this week was interesting I guess.
Monday I was meant to be going to a lecture about the brain and neurodegenerative diseases, but after waiting for ages, the woman didn’t show up. So I decided to walk into town to get something for The Brothers birthday. So I get into town and Mikado saw me and shouted so I went over and we went to the library. None of the books on my list to read were in the library which is pretty silly really. Whilst I was looking at a book, FallenLegacy came over and surprised me and introduced me to one of his friends. They were going to get some food and I decided that I’d just go to the bookshop to get the brothers birthday present and return to the library later. They dropped me off and I soon found that there weren’t really any books that were suitable for my brother. I went home.
On Tuesday I was debating whether or not to go back into town with FallenLegacy to look at the books again, or get the train with Chlorine to look in the bigger shopping centre. I went with Chlorine. DN was also going and that was what made us add the shopping centre to the list to choose from. So we looked around the book store, and again, nothing that he would be interested in. Then DN decided he needed shampoo and conditioner.

So we walked to the ‘ghetto’ side of the town and he picked up his stuff, only to find that he had left his card in the bookstore. He found some change and paid and then we all sped walked back to the bookstore where luckily someone had handed it in. In the end I got my brother a t shirt.
Wednesday was Parents Evening. My teachers seemed quite positive, a few areas of concern but overall it was okay. Guides was cancelled on Wednesday, but I still had Brownies. I hadn’t recovered from the party so I kept nearly falling asleep throughout the evening. I did actually drift off whilst drinking which I found quite hilarious when I snapped out of it.
Thursday was just a normal day really. I didn’t do a lot.
After school on Friday me and the mother went to the supermarket to get a cake and food for my brother. We settled on a profiterol dessert which served 18 (there’s 4 of us, tops) but we had it before and we knew it was yummy.
So, Saturday was The Brothers birthday. He got up at 5am to go and do some F1 experience thing with dad which had been booked last minute Friday evening and noone really knew what it was. When he was there, I got the train with Sands to go and get our hair cut. Whilst we were there, DN walked in too, so all three of us had them done. I didn’t get much done, just had the very ends trimmed and my fringe cut. I got a text from my mum to say that dad and the brother were on their way home with our lunch. So I had to leave straight after my hair cut as opposed to looking at prom dresses with Sands. We had pizza which was nice, I ate loads of it. Then I went and sat upstairs for ages, having a deep conversation with a friend. Later on I was told to come down so we could do the cake. It was yummy >.
What wasn’t cool about Saturday was the I found our My Chemical Romance have decided to split. That’s not cool at all. Their music is amazing. It will live on forever, its just a shame there won’t be any more. But I text in a radio station that was taking requests saying “could you play some MCR to commemorate the last 12 years?” They called me back! They spoke to me for a bit before recording a section and playing it out, along with Welcome To The Black Parade. Then everyone went crazy and was texting in how they were nearly in tears and how they will miss them and all that and I was like, yay, people heard me ahahahah but I was just proud they played it.
Anyway, that’s about it for this week.
Au revoir.

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