Journal #56

Hey 🙂
I’m gonna dive straight into this as I am shattered.
Sunday- went out for the brothers birthday.
Monday- not much happened really, I went into town with Ads after school to get a few bits and pieces for Sands birthday but that’s all really.
Tuesday- I went back into town after school on Tuesday to get the final few bits and take some photos for Sand’s birthday present. Was pretty hilarious taking all these stupid pictures with DN and Ads and then realising that everyone could see us out the library windows.
Wednesday- Sand’s 18th birthday. Mikado went and got this amazing chocolate cake that was so, so good. Like not too rich and nice and moist and just argh. It was a good cake. I bought her popping candy chocolate spread as a kind of in-joke we have going. It doesn’t really taste as good as it sounds.

Thursday- after school on Thursday I went shopping with Sands again. We went up town and got some tights and sweets for the party, and I had my first bubble tea. Bubble tea is nice, but after a while, the texture of the tapioca began to creep me out a little. Also dyed my hair on Thursday, its kind of brown now. I don’t really know what to think. It’s only a 28 wash one though so it should wash out quickly.
Friday- party day!! So I got up early and went and bought Sand’s birthday cake and iced it. Originally we had a plan to get a photo on it. But it fell through so we couldn’t unfortunately. Then I headed to Sand’s where we finished setting up, went and picked up some food and then got ready. It was a really good night. Great music, well, we did make the playlist so we weren’t complaining! A light switch got broken and I got attacked by a bottle of tropical juice, but apart from that it went okay. We didn’t end up sleeping so we just sat talking and stuff and then FallenLegacy and Haribo went to get McDonald’s so I stayed up to let them back in. Well, every time I tried to sleep, they text me so they kept me up really.
Saturday- so Saturday is pretty much a continuation of Friday. I left Sand’s around 2 ish, came home, spoke to a few people and then spent the evening being a zombie.

That’s my week really.

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