Changing For The Better.

So today marks that start of something new. Me and The Maneiac decided last night that we are going to eat healthier, sleep earlier and revise more. Okay. Well we actually decided to go on a diet but mine just consists of eating less dinner (The Mother gives me waaaayyy too much) and eating healthier snacks and if possible, no snacks at all.

We agreed that our phones will be switched off at 4:30 latest so that we don’t get distracted when we’re trying to revise but we’ve let ourselfs have a time once an hour when we can check them ^.^

We’ve also decided to go to bed earlier and get a decent sleep. Recently I’ve not been sleeping half as well as I should be and I’m starting to suffer from it. For me it will be phone off and lights out at 9:30 latest. Straight to sleep. Which means I won’t be doing any of my late night blogs anymore.

I’ve decided that I need to exercise more. I feel so much more relaxed when I exercise. It’s one of the best stress relief methods for me, despite the fact I’m crap at sports. Apart from swimming. I can swim really well (not being big headed or anything ^.^ )
The crosstrainer has been living in my room for ages and its rather patronizing to see it sat there. I’m hoping to do a good half hours work out on it whenever I can. I’m thinking at around 7:30 coz then ill be relaxed for bed.

I’m trying to get on top of my work. Last night wasn’t great as I left all my work to the last minute (yes. I know I had to weeks to do it -.-) so I was in a massive rush to get it done and I ran out of time. I didn’t end up sleeping until around 12:30 and I woke up at 6:30. All day I’ve been tired and had a headache. Just emphasises that I’m in desperate need of a good nights sleep.

I guess this plan is basically a plan to become healthier, both mentally and physically. Hopefully all of this will pay off and I should have more concentration, urgently needed as the exams are only a few weeks away!!

Well. I have work to be getting on with.

See you around…

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